No. 9999 from Hong Kong

Like many of the toys from the 1950s and 1960s, the artwork on
the box can be more interesting than the contents. This particular
toy appeared during the beginning of the jet age (note the airliner),
and at a time when monorails were gaining a lot of attention.

Here we are! As the cover advertises, a 19-piece battery operated
monorail toy is included. Since there isn't a catchy title on
the box cover, we thought it would be best to identify this collectible
by its 9999 part number, listed on the side of the box. Did the
Hong Kong company that made this really have 9998 toys preceding
this one?

This is a unique wheel configuration. No, there are no bogies
and the flanged wheels are indeed turned at an angle. Why?

The reason for angled axles is that this little monorail only
knows one course...a circle! Extra track would be of no use with
this set.

The green/yellow vehicle includes a small light in front. Note
some of the other details: dapper-looking passengers, sliding
doors (they don't), and horns on the roof. The "industrial"
steel-like supports are unique, complete with rivets.

Not only do we have a handsome driver in uniform, but a happy
man as well!
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