Novelty Monorails - Cal Expo Originally appeared in the Fall 1995 issue of MONORAIL Newsletter... Since 1969, the six Universal Mobility Inc. monorail trains at the California State Fair and Exposition have worn more paint jobs than the extinct Luxor-Excalibur monorail in Las Vegas had passengers. The current incarnation of this Sacramento system's paint scheme is so original that I hope it stays. The four remaining trains are named "California Dog-Faced Butterfly," "California Valley Quail," "California Poppy" and "California Golden Trout." The white trains are emblazoned with each train's namesake along its entire length with the Cal Expo logo on each side.
Editor note 2012: The mid-way station was closed due to the gaps between the train and platform in the curve. Gaps are too large for safe boarding and unboarding.
After the first ever sit-down meeting of all four TMS officers aboard the Dog-Faced Butterfly, we were graciously treated to an exhibition of the Poppy train's roll out of shop by Gary Magonigal, the engineer in charge of the Cal Expo monorail's operation and maintenance. While the train was moved by transverser to the spur, Gary told me that two of his trains had been sold to Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California (Editor Note 2012: Magic Mountain monorail later dismantled). While TMS President Kim Pedersen videoed the operation of the rotary switch and Editor Dale Samuelson took panoramic pictures of the trains, Promotions/Graphics Advisor Paul M. Newitt and I wondered what could have happened at Six Flags to require replacement of two monorail trains... |